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The Mega (and Profitable!) Micromobility Market of South Korea - the story of Swing with San Kim

2022.10.28 | Micromobility

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팟캐스트 들으러 가기 👉🏻


This week Oliver interviews San Kim, founder and CEO of Swing Scooters, the largest shared micromobility operator in South Korea.

South Korea is one of the world's biggest shared micro markets and also one of the most underreported. This interview lifts the lid on the growth of the space and why the unique regulatory environment, high incomes, dense urban environment, and other factors have contributed to one of the highest levels of penetration per capita for shared than anywhere else on the planet.

In this great first exclusive interview with San, they unpack:

- The background of San at Softbank and auto companies and how that perspective gave him the idea for Swing

- How they got into the scooter game initially

- The South Korean landscape - players, regulations and other contributing factors

- How they’ve managed to build such a strong operational team and how that compares relative to other companies around the world

- How he’s thinking about growing the company - focus on competition vs expansion

- How they’ve raised capital over time

To learn more about San and Swing Scooters, visit his LinkedIn page.

원문 링크: https://micromobility.io/news/the-mega-and-profitable-micromobility-market-of-south-korea-the-story-of-swing-with-san-kim