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i.M Service Personal (Location) Information Processing Policy

Jin Mobility Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") regards the personal information of its members as important and complies with the relevant legal regulations, such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Personal Information Protection Act, the Act on the Protection and Use of Location Information, the Act on the Protection of Communications Secrets, and the Telecommunications Business Act, which information and communications service providers must adhere to. The Company has established a privacy policy based on these laws and regulations to protect the rights and interests of its members to the best of its ability.

This privacy policy regarding personal (location) information is effective from the date of enforcement. In case of any additions, deletions, or modifications to the content according to laws and policies, such changes will be announced through the homepage notice section (or individual notices) at least 7 days prior to the effective date of the changes.


Article 1 (Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal (Location) Information)

Article 1 (Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal (Location) Information) Except as provided by law or with the consent of the member, the company will not use the member's personal information beyond the scope notified in this Article. The company uses the collected personal information for the following purposes:


1. Service Provision and Operation

Identification within the service that the member has joined, fulfillment of contracts related to service provision and fee settlement, rental of vehicles from partner companies, arrangement of drivers from partner companies, usage and expense payment, provision of content, dispatch of goods or invoices, personal authentication and financial services for financial transactions, collection of outstanding payments, accident processing in case of vehicle accidents, record lookup for the detection of violations of the company's terms and policies


2. Member Management

Provision of membership services, member identification, personal authentication, prevention of unauthorized use and misuse by members with restricted usage (members restricted from usage according to Article 10 of the Terms of Service), confirmation of intention to join and limitation on the number of registrations, record retention for dispute resolution, handling of complaints such as complaints, notification of notices, future verification of legal representatives, delivery of latest information.


3. Utilization for Development of New Services and Marketing/Advertisement

Development of new services and provision of customized services, provision of services and advertisement placement according to statistical characteristics, confirmation of service effectiveness, provision of event participation opportunities or promotional information, understanding of connection frequency, statistics on member service usage


4. Collection and Use for Identification and Handling of Causes in Case of Accidents


Article 2 (Items of Personal (Location) Information Collected and Retention Period)

Article 2 (Items of Personal Information Colelcted and Retention Period)

  1. Items of Personal (Location) Information Collected
    1. When initially using the i.M service (hereinafter referred to as "the Service") for membership registration (or service registration), smooth customer consultation, and provision of various services, the company collects the following personal information.
Items Purpose Retention
(Required) Mobile phone number, email, card information, location information, service usage records, friend invitation history, SNS account information, corporate information for business use, corporate email address, collection of traffic accident processing and complaint-related information User identification, service usage (calling, reservation service, call-back, business calls), fee billing, location information, device information collection Immediate destruction upon withdrawal of membership
(Optional) Name (or nickname), mobile phone number, email Customer consultation and complaint handling Immediate destruction upon withdrawal of membership 회원 탈퇴시 즉시 파기
Optional) Name, residential area according to resident registration, relationship with infants, date of birth, resident registration certificate, driving history Service usage for Seoul Mom and Dad Taxi In accordance with the operating policy of Seoul Mom and Dad.

※ The company generally does not collect personal information and location information of children under 14 years of age, for whom the consent of a legal guardian is required for the collection and use of personal (location) information. However, if a user is under 14 years of age, additional information of the legal guardian (name, mobile phone number) is collected.

※ Location information refers to GPS, Wi-Fi, telecommunication base station information, and movement paths.

※ During the process of service usage, the following information may be collected: IP address, visit time, service usage records, access logs, records of improper usage, app installation information, user's OS/device information, location information, cookies, ADID/IDFA, network location information, etc.

  • During credit card payment: Card issuer name, masked card number, etc.

※ You have the right to refuse consent for the collection of the above personal (location) information, and refusal of consent may result in restrictions on service usage.

  1. The company may periodically verify or confirm the validity of a member's payment card and other information deemed necessary for service operation.
  1. Methods of Collecting Personal (Location) Information
  1. The company collects personal (location) information through the following methods:

※ Collection during the execution of the service app or membership registration process.

※ Information provided by cooperation companies.

※ Collection through voluntary provision by members during usage.

Article 3 (Handling of Personal (Location) Information by Delegation)

For the enhancement of services, the company collects, stores, and processes members' personal (location) information within the necessary scope of business as follows, by entrusting it to other companies. Furthermore, the company stipulates necessary matters to ensure that personal information is securely managed when entering into delegation contracts in accordance with related laws and regulations.

When entering into delegation contracts, the company specifies matters such as prohibition of processing personal information for purposes other than those specified for delegation, technical and administrative protective measures, restrictions on re-delegation, management and supervision of delegates, and liability for damages in documents such as contracts, in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act. The company also supervises whether the delegate handles personal information securely.

If the content of the delegated tasks or the delegate changes, we will promptly disclose it through this Privacy Policy.

The institutions entrusted with the company's personal (location) information processing and the contents of the delegated tasks are as follows:

Delegated Company Delegatedd Content
JM2, JM3, JM4, JM7, JM8, JM9, JM10, JM11, JM12, JM13, JM14, JM15 Provision of Passenger Transport Services
Onepay Co. Ltd, KSNet Co. Ltd, Smartro Co.Ltd Provision of Card Registration, Payment Services, and Prevention of Payment Fraud
T-money Co. Ltd Settlement Processing for Taxi Fares and Platform Usage Fees, Response to Settlement Inquiry Requests
Aligo Co. Ltd, Sejong Telecom Inc.  Sending of Text Messages (SMS, LMS), and Push Alarms
Danal Co. Ltd Mobile Phone Authentication
Angelplus Co. Ltd Provision of Designated Driver Services

Article 4 (Retention and Use Period of Personal (Location) Information)

  1. The company may retain and use a member's personal information collected while the member maintains membership status.
  2. In the event of a member's withdrawal or loss of qualification, the company will delete and destroy the collected member information without separate request from the member. However, despite the member's withdrawal or loss of qualification, the following information will be retained for a specified period for the reasons stated below and then deleted and destroyed:
  3. For the purpose of settling fees with other businesses or handling complaints from customers, the company automatically records and retains location information collection, use, and provision records, which are kept for 6 months.


1) Basis for Information Retention

Reasons for Retention Retention Items Retention Period
ember Information Records for Dispute Resolution and Problem Solving among Members Mobile Phone Number 7 days
Member Information Records for Restriction on Rejoining by Withdrawn Members Mobile Phone Number 90 days
Member Information Records for Restriction on Rejoining by Restricted Members or Unauthorized Users Mobile Phone Number 1 year or permanently (separately stored)


2) Information Retention according to Related Laws and Regulations

Reasons for Retention Retention Items Retention Period
Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce Law Records related to Display/Advertisement 6 months
Records related to Contracts or Withdrawal of Offer 5 years
Records related to Payment and Supply of Goods 5 years
Records related to Consumer Complaints or Dispute Resolution 3 years
Communication Secrets Protection Law Login Records 3 years

3) Duration of Third Party Retention and Use of Provided Information

※ Until the purpose of providing personal (location) information is achieved or until the individual requests withdrawal of consent

※ However, even if the purpose of providing the information is achieved or the individual requests withdrawal of consent, information necessary for performance of contracts, dispute resolution, internal reporting, audit and inspection, cost settlement (billing), or for preparing for disputes will be retained and used for up to 6 months after the termination of the service, or until the completion of performance/dispute resolution in cases where non-performance/dispute continues, in accordance with relevant laws such as the Commercial Act if there are special provisions for retention.

5 (Limited disclosure and Third Party Provision of Personal (Location) Information) 

The company handles a member's personal (location) information within the scope notified in "Article 1 (Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information)", and except with the member's prior consent or as prescribed by law, does not use or disclose the member's personal (location) information beyond the scope of consent or provide it to external parties. However, in the following cases, the company may limitatively disclose a member's personal information:

※ Names may be disclosed to other members connected within the service for mutual identification during service usage. Additionally, email addresses and mobile phone numbers may be disclosed.

In addition, when it is necessary to provide personal information to a third party for better service provision, consent is obtained by specifying the recipient of the information, the purpose of using the information by the recipient, the items of personal information provided, the retention and use period of the provided personal information by the recipient, the fact that the individual has the right to refuse consent, and any disadvantages resulting from refusal of consent. The personal (location) information provided to affiliated services is limited to information necessary for providing the service, such as member names, profile pictures, and anniversary information. At the time of consent, the content of the personal (location) information provided for each service will be informed. The content of the provided personal (location) information may be added/changed while providing the service, and if there is a change in the necessary personal information for using the affiliated service, additional consent will be obtained for using the service.

However, even if a third party receiving personal (location) information achieves the purpose of provision or the member requests withdrawal of consent, information necessary for performance of contracts, dispute resolution, internal reporting, audit and inspection, cost settlement (billing), or for preparing for disputes may be retained and used for up to 6 months after the termination of the transactional relationship according to the car rental contract, or until the completion of performance/dispute resolution in cases where non-performance/dispute continues, in accordance with relevant laws such as the Commercial Act if there are special provisions for retention.


Recipient Purpose of Use Items Retention Period
Seoul Metropolitan City and Autonomous District Confirmation of Eligibility for Seoul Mom and Dad Taxi Service and Point Issuance / Settlement Name, Residential Address as Registered in Resident Registration, Relationship with Infant, Date of Birth, Resident Registration Certificate, Driving History 3 years after business termination

※ You have the right to refuse consent for the collection of personal (location) information, and refusal may result in restricted service usage.

Article 6 (Notification of Right to Refuse Consent and Consequences of Refusal)

Members have the right to refuse consent for the collection and use of personal (location) information. However, if consent is refused for the minimum collection and use of personal information necessary for contract conclusion and performance, service usage may be impossible or processing tasks may be delayed, resulting in disadvantages.

Additionally, if consent for the collection and/or optional collection and use of personal (location) information for marketing activities and promotions is refused, there may be disadvantages such as not receiving information about events or benefits, not receiving giveaways or promotional items, inability to use affiliated services, apply discounts, or accumulate points.

※ In addition to this consent, the company may provide personal information to third parties if separately agreed upon by the member.

Article 7 (Rights and Obligations of Members and Legal Representatives, and How to Excercise Them)

  1. Members may access or modify their registered personal (location) information at any time, and if they do not agree to the processing of personal (location) information by the company, they may refuse consent or request withdrawal (membership withdrawal). However, if changes are made to information necessary for service operation such as name, profile picture, driver's license information, vehicle information, or history of outstanding payments, service usage may be restricted until approval by the company is obtained.
  2. For personal (location) information inquiries and modifications, click "Change Personal Information" (or "Modify Member Information," etc.), and for withdrawal (consent withdrawal), click "Membership Withdrawal" to complete the self-verification process and directly access, correct, or withdraw. Alternatively, contact the Personal Information Manager in writing or via email, and we will promptly take action.
  3. If a member requests correction of personal (location) information errors, the company will not use or provide the information to third parties until the correction is completed. Additionally, if incorrect personal (location) information has already been provided to third parties, the correction results will be promptly notified to the third parties to ensure correction.
  4. Personal (location) information that has been terminated or deleted at the request of a member is processed in accordance with the provisions of "Article 4 (Retention and Use Period of Personal (Location) Information)" and cannot be accessed or used for any other purposes.
  5. Users or legal representatives may exercise the following rights regarding the collection, use, and sharing of personal information by the company:
  1. Exercise access rights to personal (location) information
  2. Modify or delete personal (location) information
  3. Temporarily suspend the processing of personal (location) information

Article 8 (Consent for Use of Personal (Location) Information by the Subject)

  1. When the company intends to provide services using personal (location) information, it shall obtain prior consent from the subject of the personal (location) information.
  2. The subject of personal (location) information may withhold consent for some parts of the terms of use when consenting under the provisions of Paragraph 1.
  3. If the company intends to provide a service to a third party designated by the subject of the personal (location) information, the company may use the subject's location information to prevent the loss of safety and important items within the group by providing their location information to users within the group for whom consent has been obtained.
  4. When the company provides personal (location) information to a third party designated by the subject of the personal (location) information under the provisions of Paragraph 3, the company shall immediately notify the subject of the personal location information of the recipient, the time of provision, and the purpose of provision. The subject of the personal (location) information may withhold consent for the purpose of use and provision, the scope of the recipient, and some parts of the location-based service under the provisions of Paragraphs 1 and 3.

Article 9 (Restrictions on Use/Provision of Personal (Location) Information, etc.)

Except as provided in Article 9, Paragraphs 1 and 3 of the Terms of Use, the company shall not use or provide personal (location) information or location information verification data beyond the scope specified or notified in the terms of use.

  1. When location information verification data is necessary for settlement of fees for the provision of location-based services, etc.
  2. When providing processed data in an unidentifiable form for statistical analysis, academic research, or market research purposes.

Article 10 (Rights of the Subject of Personal (Location) Information, etc.)

The subject of personal (location) information may at any time withdraw all or part of the consent under the provisions of Article 9, Paragraphs 1 and 3.

  1. The subject of personal (location) information may demand temporary suspension of the use or provision of personal (location) information to the company. In this case, the company will not refuse the request and will take technical measures for this purpose.
  2. The subject of personal (location) information may request access or notification of the following materials, and if there are errors, may request correction, and the company will not refuse the request without justifiable reasons:
  1. Verification data regarding the use/provision of personal (location) information
  2. Reason and content of personal (location) information provided to third parties
  1. If the subject of personal (location) information withdraws all or part of the consent under the provisions of Paragraph 1, the company shall promptly destroy the location information verification data (including the withdrawn part of the consent) without delay.
  2. The subject of personal (location) information may apply to the company for requests via visits, phone calls, internet, etc., to exercise the rights under this clause.

Article 11 (Use of Location Information for children Under 8 Years of Age, etc.)

  1. If the guardian of a person falling under any of the following subparagraphs (hereinafter referred to as "children under 8 years of age, etc.") agrees to the use or provision of personal and location information of children under 8 years of age, etc. for the protection of their lives or bodies, it shall be deemed that the consent of the children under 8 years of age, etc. has been obtained.
    1. Children under 8 years of age
    2. Persons under guardianship, persons under curatorship after minor age
    3. Persons with mental disabilities under the provision of Article 2, Paragraph 2, Item 2 of the Act on Welfare of Disabled Persons, who fall under the severely disabled persons under the provision of Article 2, Paragraph 2, Item 2 of the Act on Promotion of Employment and Vocational Rehabilitation for Disabled Persons (limited to those registered as disabled persons under the provision of Article 32 of the Act on Welfare of Disabled Persons)

Article 12 (Installation/Operation and Refusal or Personal (Location) Information Automatic Collection Device) 

  1. The company installs and operates cookies, and members may refuse them.
  1. What is a Cookie?

※ To provide personalized and customized services, the company uses cookies that store and retrieve member information periodically.

※ A cookie is a very small text file sent by the server operating the website to the member's browser, stored on the member's computer's hard disk. When the member revisits the website, the website server reads the contents of the cookie stored on the member's hard disk to maintain the member's settings and provide customized services.

※ Cookies do not automatically/actively collect information identifying individuals, and members can refuse or delete such cookies at any time.

  1. Purpose of Using Cookies by the Company

※ The company utilizes cookie information to help members access and use the website according to their settings when visiting the PC or mobile website of the service. Additionally, it is used to provide optimized advertisements and personalized information based on members' website visit history and usage patterns. Analysis of the frequency and time of access by members and non-members, understanding members' preferences and interests, tracking activities, participation levels, and visit frequencies to various events for targeted marketing and personalized services.

  1. Installation/Operation and Refusal of Cookies

※ Members have the option to choose regarding cookie installation. Therefore, members can allow all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is stored, or refuse to store all cookies by setting options in their web browsers.

※ Internet Explorer Settings: Tools at the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy

※ Chrome Settings: Settings menu on the right side of the web browser > Show advanced settings at the bottom of the screen > Content settings button under Privacy

※ However, refusing to store cookies may cause difficulties in technical support and service provision. In this case, the company shall not be responsible.

  1. The company may collect members' ADID/IDFA.
  1. What is ADID/IDFA?

※ ADID (Android OS)/IDFA (iOS) is an advertising identification value for mobile app users.

  1. Purpose and Method of Collecting ADID/IDFA

※ Automatically collected when members visit/run apps to provide optimized customized services and benefits, including online personalized advertisements.

  1. Refusal Method

※ Android: Settings -> Google (Google Settings) -> Ads -> Turn off ad personalization

※ iOS: Settings -> Privacy -> Apple Advertising -> Turn off personalized ads


제Article 13 (Technical/Administrative Measures for Protection of Personal (Location) Information)

The company implements the following technical/administrative measures to ensure the safety of members' personal (location) information, preventing its loss, theft, leakage, alteration, or damage.

1. Encryption of Personal (Location) Information

The company securely stores and manages personal (location) information by encrypting it in accordance with relevant legal regulations or internal policies.

2. Measures Against Hacking, etc.

The company endeavors to prevent the leakage or damage of members' personal (location) information due to hacking, computer viruses, etc.

To prevent damage to personal (location) information, data is backed up daily, and the latest security patches and firewalls are used to prevent leakage or damage of members' personal (location) information or data. Additionally, encryption communication is utilized to securely transmit personal information over the network.

Furthermore, intrusion prevention systems are employed to control unauthorized access from external sources, and all possible technical measures are taken to ensure system security.

3. Minimization and Education of Handling Staff

Handling of personal (location) information by company personnel is limited to designated individuals, and separate passwords are assigned and regularly updated. Ongoing education for personnel emphasizes compliance with Jin Mobility's personal (location) information processing policy.

4. Operation of Personal (Location) Information Protection Task Force

Internal personal (location) information protection task forces are established to verify compliance with the service's personal (location) information processing policy and the adherence of personnel. Efforts are made to promptly rectify and correct any issues found. However, the company shall not be held responsible for any problems arising from the member's negligence or internet-related issues resulting in the leakage of ID, passwords, or other personal (location) information.

Article 14 (Procedure and Method of Personal (Location) Information Disposal) 

  1. Disposal Procedure
    1. Information provided by members for membership registration, etc., is transferred to a separate DB (or paper documents are stored in a separate filing cabinet) and stored for a certain period in accordance with internal policies and other relevant laws (refer to the retention and use period) before being disposed of.
    2. This personal (location) information is not used for any purpose other than retention unless required by law.

  2. Disposal Method
    1. Personal (location) information printed on paper is shredded or incinerated for disposal.
    2. Personal (location) information stored in electronic file format is deleted using technology that renders the data unrecoverable.

Article 15 (Personal (Location) Information Management Officer and Location Information Management Officer)

  1. Name: Kim Kyung-ro
  2. Affiliation: Jin Mobility
  3. Phone: 1688-7722
  4. Position: Head of Business Headquarters

For further assistance regarding personal information infringement or consultation, please contact the following agencies:

※ Personal Information Protection Center (https://privacy.kisa.or.kr / 118 without an area code)

※ Cyber Crime Investigation Division, Supreme Prosecutors' Office (https://www.spo.go.kr / 1301)

※ Cyber Terror Response Center, National Police Agency (https://cyberbureau.police.go.kr / 182 without an area code)

Article 16 (Miscellaneous)

This personal (location) information processing policy takes effect from the date of enforcement. In the event of any additions, deletions, or amendments in accordance with laws and policies, changes will be announced through the noticeboard at least 7 days prior to their implementation.



Supplementary Provision

Article 1 (Effective Date) This policy shall be effective from January 31, 2024.

View Previous Personal (Location) Information Processing Policy