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i.M Service Terms and Conditions


Article 1 (Purpose)

These terms and conditions are intended to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of the company and the member, as well as other necessary matters, related to the use of the i.M service provided by Jin Mobility Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company").

Article 2 (Definitions)

The following are the definitions of the terms used in these terms and conditions:

  1. "i.M Service" (hereinafter referred to as the "Service") refers to the service provided by the company under the brand name i.M, which allows members to use the mobility services provided by the company through various wired and wireless devices or programs such as PCs and mobile phones.
  2. "Member" refers to a customer who agrees to these terms and conditions, joins the company as a member, and uses the services provided by the company.
  3. "Platform" refers to the application developed by the company to provide services to members.
  4. "Pre-determined Fare" refers to the cost that is determined in advance based on the distance and time it takes to travel from the starting point to the destination using GPS.
  5. "Fare Re-adjustment" refers to the re-adjustment of the pre-determined fare due to a change in the route, such as the addition of a stopover or a change in the destination, at the request of the passenger.
  6. "Reservation Fee" refers to the cost that secures a reservation for the transportation and optional services by accepting the request for the use of the car reservation service (hereinafter referred to as the "Use Request") through the platform by entering the departure point, destination, reservation time, and call selection service request details, and selecting a payment method including coupons and points.
  7. "Call Fee" refers to the cost that secures the transportation and optional services by accepting the request for the use of the immediate boarding service through the platform by entering the departure point, destination, and call selection service request details, and selecting a payment method including coupons and points.
  8. "Fare" refers to the cost calculated based on the distance and time it takes to travel from the starting point to the destination using the meter in the service.
  9. "Additional Fare" refers to the total cost of (i) toll fees, (ii) parking fees, and (iii) other costs incurred while traveling from the starting point to the destination.
  10. "Automatic Payment" refers to the automatic payment of the fare without a separate authentication process based on the payment information such as check/credit card entered when the member joins the platform, at the end of the service use or when the service use reservation is confirmed.
  11. "Additional Service" refers to additional services and goods provided by the company through the service, either free of charge or for a fee.
  12. "Transport Provider" refers to a transport operator or taxi driver or individual taxi driver who has contracted with the company and provides transport services and various additional services to members.
  13. "Vehicle Repair Cost" refers to the cost necessary to restore the vehicle to its original condition due to contamination or damage to the inside or outside of the vehicle caused by the member or the accompanying pet.
  14. "Business Loss Cost" refers to the cost of not being able to do business during the time necessary to repair the vehicle mentioned in Article 13 above.
  15. "i.M Proxy" refers to a service that connects a taxi that will provide transportation service to the member or the passenger designated by the member from the starting point designated by the member to the destination set by the member, and related additional services and affiliate services.
  16. "i.M Proxy" refers to an intermediation service that connects the company's proxy driver to the member or the passenger designated by the member from the starting point designated by the member to the destination set by the member, or a service that provides proxy driving through a person who has been commissioned by the company to provide proxy driving services.
  17. For terms used in these terms and conditions that are not defined in this article, the other provisions of these terms and conditions, relevant laws and regulations, and general customs shall apply.

Article 3 (Effect and Amendment of Terms and Conditions)

  1. These terms and conditions shall be effective for all members who wish to use the service.
  2. The company shall post the contents of these terms and conditions on the platform screen or notify members through other appropriate methods such as pop-ups on the company's homepage so that members can easily understand them.
  3. The company may amend these terms and conditions when it deems necessary. When the company amends the terms and conditions, it shall notify the members of the effective date and the reason for the amendment in the same manner as in Article 2, seven days before the effective date. However, in the case of an amendment that is disadvantageous to the member or a significant change in the content of the terms and conditions, the company shall notify the members 30 days before the effective date and individually notify the members by e-mail, SMS, app push, etc. However, if it is difficult to notify the members individually due to the member's failure to register contact information, failure to update after changes, etc., the notification in this article shall be deemed as individual notification.
  4. If the company, while notifying or announcing the amended terms and conditions in accordance with Article 3, also notifies or announces that if the member does not express an intention to refuse by the effective date of the amended terms and conditions, it will be considered as consent to the amendment of the terms and conditions, and the member does not explicitly express an intention to refuse the amendment of the terms and conditions, the member will be deemed to have consented to the amended terms and conditions.
  5. If the member does not agree to the amended terms and conditions, the member may discontinue use of the service and terminate the user agreement.

Article 4 (Interpretation of Terms and Conditions)

  1. The company provides separate policies (hereinafter referred to as "Detailed Contents of Paid Services") for the service and paid services. The fare, usage fee, etc. that the member must pay when using the paid service vary depending on the "Detailed Contents of Paid Services" used, and the company provides detailed conditions of the individual paid service usage fee in the [Detailed Contents of Paid Services].
  2. Matters not specified in these terms and conditions shall be governed by the Information and Communications Network Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Information and Communications Network Act"), the Location Information Protection and Utilization Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Location Information Act"), the Basic Telecommunications Act, the Telecommunications Business Act, and other relevant laws or common practices.

Article 5 (Application for Use)

  1. The service user agreement is concluded when a person who wishes to join and use the service agrees to these terms and conditions, completes the membership process, and uses the service.
  2. The company may require the person who wishes to join and use the service to perform a real-name verification by providing the mobile terminal identification information and real-name verification authentication procedure (hereinafter referred to as the "Real-name Verification Procedure") of the person who wishes to use the service. In this case, the person who wishes to join and use the service must complete the membership process by performing the authentication and other procedures.
  3. In the event that another person performs the authentication procedure in the name of the member due to the member's negligence in management, or the member performs the authentication using the name of another person, the company shall be liable for any disadvantages or other damages caused thereby only if there is a separate provision in the relevant laws or if the company has intent or negligence.
  4. When registering for the use of the service, the member must provide complete information that is consistent with the current facts (hereinafter referred to as "Registration Information").
  5. The member must update the registration information immediately if there is any change in the registration information. If the registration information or updated registration information provided by the member is inaccurate, the company may restrict or suspend the use of the service.
  6. Notwithstanding the above contents, the use of the service may be restricted or suspended immediately upon discovery of any of the following items.
    1) If the information provided upon joining the membership is different from the actual information, or if the information of another person is used.
    2) If the account is transferred to allow another person to access the app through the member's account with malicious intent, or if the app is used with another person's account.

Article 6 (Reservation of Consent to Application for Use and Restriction of Service Use)

  1. In principle, the company approves the application of the applicant for membership according to Article 5. However, the company may reserve consent or refuse consent to the application that falls under any of the following items until the reason is resolved.
  1. Applying falsely when registering as a member, such as using another person's name or performing SMS authentication, universal public authentication, or credit card authentication without the permission of the mobile phone subscriber.
  2. If you have previously lost your membership qualification according to these terms and conditions, except if you have obtained the company's approval for reinstatement of membership.
  3. If it is technically impossible to provide the service.
  4. If you apply by missing or incorrectly entering the registration items according to the membership application form.
  5. If you have not completed the authentication procedure set by the company.
  6. If a child under the age of 14 has applied to use the service.
  7. If the applicant for membership has a fact that he/she has lost his/her membership qualification, except in the case where he/she has obtained the company's approval for reinstatement after one year has passed from the date of losing his/her membership qualification.
  8. If a member who has been subject to sanctions such as suspension of service use from the company applies for re-use of the service during the period of the sanction.
  9. If you apply for the purpose of or with the intention of disrupting or disrupting public peace and order or good morals.
  10. If it is confirmed that the application for membership does not meet the application requirements set by the company or is an illegal or unfair application, or if the company cannot approve due to the member's responsible reasons.
  1. If the company reserves or rejects the application for membership according to Article 1, the company shall notify the applicant of the reason for reservation of consent, the possible time of consent, or additional information or materials required for consent, etc., other matters related to reservation or rejection of consent.
  2. For the purpose of improving the quality of service or other necessary reasons, the company may differentiate the use of service time, number of times, service menu, and other necessary items by classifying members by grade.

Article 7 (Content of Service)

  1. The services provided by the company are as follows:
  1. Taxi call service based on the member's current location or the departure and destination information set by the member.
  2. Other safety services such as sending safety messages and lost property notifications based on the member's current location.
  1. The company may provide other location-based services and additional services in addition to the above services.

Article 8 (Commencement of Service Use)

  1. The company will commence the service from the time it approves the member's application for use. However, in the case of some services, the service will be started from a designated date.
  2. If the company is unable to start the service due to business or technical problems, it will be announced on the service mobile application or service website or notified to the member.

Article 9 (Service Hours)

  1. The Service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, in principle. However, the Service may be temporarily suspended due to business or technical reasons, or for operational purposes during periods determined by the Company. In such cases, the Company will notify users in advance or after the suspension.
  2. The Company may divide the Service into a certain range and set different available times for each range. In this case, the Company will notify users of the details.

Article 10 (Service Changes and Disruptions)

  1. The Company may restrict or suspend all or part of the Service in the following cases:
  2. Unavoidable circumstances due to construction work such as maintenance of service facilities
  3. When a member violates the provisions of these Terms and Conditions
  4. When there is an obstacle to the normal use of the Service due to a power outage, failure of all facilities, or a surge in usage
  5. When the Company cannot maintain the Service due to reasons such as termination of a contract with a third party for the provision of the Service or a business judgment
  6. In case of force majeure such as natural disasters or national emergencies
  7. In case of service disruption under Paragraph 1, the Company will notify the member in the manner set forth in Article 19. However, this does not apply in cases where prior notification is impossible due to service disruptions beyond the Company's control (disk failure, system downtime without the Company's intent or negligence, etc.).
  8. The Company shall not be liable for any problems arising from the change or discontinuation of the free service, unless the Company is intentional or grossly negligent.

Article 11 (Provision of Information and Posting of Advertisements)

  1. In operating the Service, the Company may post various information related to the Company's Service on the Service screen or provide it to members by means of E-mail, SMS, App Push, etc.
  2. In operating the Service, the Company may post various advertisements related to the Company's or its affiliates' services on the Service screen or the Service website, or provide them to members by means of E-mail, SMS, App Push, etc., with the consent of the members.
  3. Any communication or transaction between a member and an advertiser, such as using an advertisement posted on the Service or participating in a promotional activity of an advertiser through the Service, is entirely a matter between the member and the advertiser. In the event of a dispute or other problem between a member and an advertiser, the member and the advertiser must resolve it directly, and the Company shall not be liable unless the Company is intentional or negligent.

Article 12 (Deletion of Posts of Content)

  1. If the Company determines that any content posted or transmitted by a member within the service (including communication between members, hereinafter referred to as "posts") falls under any of the following subparagraphs, the Company may suspend posting, transmission, etc., and promptly notify the member of the reason. Members may raise objections to measures taken regarding posts.
    1. Content that defames or damages the honor of the Company, other members, or third parties through slander or libel
    2. Posts containing obscene material or content that may cause sexual humiliation or embarrassment to the general public (including posts that may be linked to websites, apps, etc., containing such content)
    3. Content deemed to be associated with criminal activities
    4. Content that infringes on copyrights or other rights of the Company or third parties
    5. Posts that exceed the posting period specified by the Company through detailed usage guidelines specified in paragraph 2
    6. Posting unnecessary or unauthorized advertisements or promotional materials
    7. Other posts that violate these Terms and Conditions or laws, or contain content contrary to public order and morals
  2. The Company may separately establish and enforce detailed usage guidelines related to posts, and members must register or delete various posts (including communication between members) in accordance with those guidelines.

Article 13 (Copyright of Posts)

  1. The copyright of posts (including communication between members) posted by members within the service belongs to the members. However, for the purpose of activating the service, the Company may use posts posted by members within the service in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws such as the Copyright Act, including exposure within the service, use for service promotion, research for service operation, improvement and development of new services, web accessibility, compliance with legal obligations, search, collection, and link permission on external sites.
  2. The Company may not use posts for purposes other than those specified in the latter part of paragraph 1 without the consent of the member who posted them.
  3. If a member's post contains content that violates related laws such as the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Personal Information Protection Act, and the Copyright Act, the right holder may request the Company to suspend or delete the relevant post in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the related laws, and the Company must take measures in accordance with the related laws.
  4. If a member terminates the service agreement or the service agreement is terminated for legitimate reasons under these Terms and Conditions, the Company may delete posts posted by the member.
  5. Copyright in works created by the Company belongs to the Company.
  6. Members may not use information obtained through the service for commercial purposes, such as processing and selling information obtained through the service, or allowing third parties to use it. Copyright infringement of posts is subject to the application of relevant laws.

Article 14 (Service Chatges. etc.)

  1. The service charge consists of (i) reservation fees or call fees within the service (ii) taxi operation fees (iii) separate optional service fees determined by the Company.
  2. The Company informs the member of the estimated fare before the call within the service. However, the final fare may differ from the estimated fare depending on the actual route, stopovers, and travel time.
  3. If the transportation provider arrives at the departure point designated by the member and notifies the member of the arrival but the member does not board within a certain period without prior contact or cancels the contract, the Company may impose cancellation fees specified on the i.M service page or in Article 15 on the member. In addition, depending on the frequency, the member may be subject to restrictions on service use.
  4. The Company may inform and impose additional fare surcharges on the member based on the time, location of the call or reservation request, and supply status of affiliated companies.
  5. Until all debts owed by the member to the Company, such as unpaid expenses and damages, are settled, the member's service use will be suspended, and if the debt remains unpaid for a certain period, the member's membership may be revoked. The Company shall notify the member of the termination intention, explaining the reasons. In this case, the Company shall provide the member with an opportunity to object for a reasonable period before termination. However, if there are reasons specified in these Terms and Conditions and the Usage Policy, a separate objection period may not be provided.
  6. If the service fee is unpaid due to the member's circumstances or the member's payment information specified by the member is unpaid by the computer system, an attempt to reprocess the payment may be made using the registered payment information (credit card, points, etc.).
  7. If the member who called for the service pays on-site, but the payment card is not processed due to a computer system or the member's circumstances, or the member leaves without payment, the Company or the transportation provider may contact the member to claim the service fee.
  8. If the member does not comply with these Terms and Conditions and the respective provisions above, the Company may terminate the contract, in addition to imposing various fees such as damages compensation in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the Usage Policy. The Company shall notify the member of the termination intention, explaining the reasons. In this case, the Company shall provide the member with an opportunity to object for a reasonable period before termination. However, if there are reasons specified in these Terms and Conditions and the Usage Policy, a separate objection period may not be provided.
  9. If the member's debts to the Company related to this service, such as unpaid expenses and damages, are not settled, the Company may take legal measures such as preservation disposition, filing a main lawsuit, or commencing enforcement proceedings against the member to settle the debt.

Article 15 (Cancellation of Service Usage. etc.)

  1. In case a member cancels from the time of vehicle dispatch, cancellation fees shall be incurred as follows:
    1. For real-time call services where dispatch is completed, cancellation fees are incurred depending on the occurrence of call fees.
    2. For reserved call services where dispatch is completed, cancellation fees vary depending on the cancellation timing
  2. If  the transportation provider arrives at the departure point requested by the member and notifies the member of the arrival through methods such as phone call, SMS, App Push, etc., but the member fails to board within 5 minutes without prior contact or cancels the contract, a non-boarding fee shall be charged to the member.
  3. If the company cancels the dispatch due to the company's circumstances, it shall explain the reason to the member and not charge the entire fare.

Article 16 (Coupons and Points)

  1. The company may sell coupons and points to members for a certain amount or percentage of the fare according to the company's service policy.
  2. If a member uses the i.M service, purchases points for a fee, participates in events, etc., the company may provide coupons and points to the member free of charge according to the company's policy. Points and benefits provided free of charge can only be used within the validity period set by the company and in the manner prescribed by the company.
  3. Matters regarding the granting and use of coupons and points shall be in accordance with the usage policy set by the company, and the company shall inform members of this through the platform or website.
  4. Coupons and points can be used within the specified usage period, and if expired, they cannot be reissued.
  5. Except when using the function to gift coupons and points to others, members cannot rent, transfer, or sell coupons and points.
  6. The company may search for a member's coupon and point information at any time and may correct it at its discretion if a member's performance is incorrect. Moreover, if a member violates the copyright of posted material, they shall be subject to the application of relevant laws.
  7. Paid coupons expire five years from the date of purchase if not used or requested for a refund.
  8. If a member withdraws from the service or the service contract is terminated, free coupons and points provided will be deleted and cannot be used. Additionally, deleted coupons and points will not be restored even if the member re-joins. However, if points and coupons are purchased for a fee, a refund must be processed, and if a refund is not made, withdrawal or termination of the service contract will not occur.

Article 17 (Company's Obligations and Responsibilities)

  1. The company shall not disclose or distribute a member's personal information or location information (hereinafter referred to as "personal information, etc.") to a third party without the member's consent, except as required by relevant laws, such as for investigative purposes under the relevant legal procedures.
  2. The company may create statistical data that cannot distinguish specific member information from the entire or part of a member's personal information without the member's prior consent and may use it. In this case, the member may refuse to receive cookies or change the settings to receive warnings about receiving cookies, which may affect service usage without the company's fault.
  3. In the event of a member's complaint related to the service, the company shall promptly process it, and if prompt processing is difficult, it shall notify the member of the reason and processing schedule through the service screen or through email, SMS, App Push, etc.
  4. If a member incurs damages due to the company-provided service, the company shall be liable for damages only in cases where such damages are caused by the company's intentional or negligent actions, limited to ordinary damages.
  5. The company shall comply with relevant laws such as the Information and Communication Network Act, the Location Information Protection Act, the Telecommunications Secrecy Protection Act, and the Electric Communications Business Act related to the operation and maintenance of the service.
  6. The company shall strive to create a foundation for smooth service provision and satisfaction for members and transportation providers and shall sincerely work towards providing a sustainable service.

Article 18 (Member's Obligations and Responsibilities)

  1. Members shall not engage in the following actions when using the service, and if discovered, they may be subject to service usage restrictions.
    1. Providing false information or using third-party information fraudulently or illegally without the permission of the owner of the mobile phone name when applying for or changing usage, performing "SMS authentication," universal public authentication, or credit card authentication, etc.
    2. Reproducing or distributing information obtained using the company's service information without the company's prior approval or using it for commercial purposes.
    3. Damaging the reputation or causing disadvantages to others.
    4. Posting obscene material (including obscene videos and information) on service bulletin boards or linking to obscene sites.
    5. Infringing on the copyrights or other rights of the company or third parties.
    6. Disseminating information, sentences, images, or sounds that violate public order and morals.
    7. Registering or distributing computer virus-infected data that causes the malfunction or destruction of service-related equipment or information.
    8. Sending advertising information or spam emails in violation of the explicit refusal of the recipient or that may disrupt the service operation without the recipient's explicit refusal.
    9. Impersonating or pretending to be a company employee or operator, or using someone else's identity to post messages or send emails.
    10. Collecting, storing, or disclosing other members' personal information.
    11. Distributing false information for the purpose of benefiting oneself or causing harm to others.
    12. Engaging in gambling or gambling activities.
    13. Mediating in lewd activities or distributing information facilitating immoral conduct.
    14. Continuously sending words, sounds, images, or videos that cause embarrassment, hatred, or fear to the recipient, disrupting their daily life.
    15. Altering information posted by the company on the service.
    16. Transmitting or posting information (including computer programs) prohibited by related laws.
    17. Posting messages or sending emails by impersonating or pretending to be a company employee or operator, or by using someone else's name.
    18. Sending emails containing computer software viruses, codes, files, or programs designed to disrupt or destroy the normal operation of computer software, hardware, or telecommunications equipment.
    19. Harassing other members, such as stalking.
    20. Disrupting the provision of the company's service by repeatedly making and canceling calls without the company's service provision.
  2. Members must comply with relevant laws, the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, cautionary notices posted on individual services, and notifications from the company.
  3. Except as officially recognized by the company, members may not engage in commercial activities, such as selling goods using the service, particularly activities such as hacking, profit through advertising, commercial activities through adult websites, illegal distribution of commercial software, etc. Any resulting business activities, losses, legal measures taken by relevant authorities, such as arrests, are unrelated to the company, and members are liable for damages incurred from such actions.
  4. If a member engages in actions specified in Paragraph 1, the company may restrict access to all or part of the service or terminate the service contract. Furthermore, if the company suffers losses as a result, it may seek compensation.
  5. If the company takes measures as described in Paragraph 4, it will notify the member in advance through publication on the service, email, SMS, App Push, etc. In unavoidable circumstances such as loss of contact with the member or urgent situations, notification may be made after the measures have been taken.
  6. If a member has reasons to object to the measures taken by the company as described in Paragraph 4, they may present their objections.
  7. Even if the company terminates the service contract with a member according to Paragraph 4, these Terms and Conditions remain applicable to contracts concluded before termination.
  8. Upon termination of the service contract in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4, the reasons for termination shall be disclosed, and notice of termination shall be given. In this case, the company shall provide the member with an opportunity to raise objections for a reasonable period before termination. However, if there are reasons specified in these Terms and Conditions and the Usage Policy, a separate period for raising objections may not be provided. The company may cancel transactions related to the member and cancel credit card transactions if the member has paid for paid services using a credit card.
  9. If the service contract is terminated in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 4, the company may refuse approval for re-application by the member.
  10. When registering for the service, members must provide complete and accurate information (hereinafter referred to as "registration information").
  11. Members must promptly update their registration information when changes occur to ensure smooth receipt of services.
  12. If a member causes damages to the company, transportation service providers, or third parties intentionally or due to negligence, the member is obligated to compensate for the damages. Additionally, depending on the severity and intent, the member may face sanctions on service usage.
  13. The contents of compensation as described in Paragraph 12 may include vehicle recovery costs, loss of business income, fines, etc., and may be processed through on-site payments or post-payment billing.


Article 19 (Order Maintenance with Vehicles)

  1. Pursuant to Articles 17 and 18, the company, members, and transportation service providers must fulfill their obligations and responsibilities faithfully to ensure the provision of services and the creation of a sustainable service environment. The following actions can be considered as negatively affecting order maintenance within vehicles, and individuals may face disadvantages upon discovery of such actions:
    1. Opening or closing vehicle doors while in motion.
    2. Violation of traffic laws, such as speeding, running red lights, illegal U-turns, or refusal to comply with traffic regulations.
    3. Demanding or coercing disembarkation at locations where it is not possible, such as inside tunnels.
    4. Engaging in behaviors that threaten safety, such as lowering windows and extending body parts outside the vehicle.
    5. Littering inside the vehicle.
    6. Smoking inside the vehicle (including electronic cigarettes).
    7. Using vulgar language, engaging in sexual harassment, insulting others' dignity, or engaging in lewd behavior.
    8. Consuming food inside the vehicle or carrying unsealed food items.
    9. Not wearing a seatbelt despite being instructed to do so, resulting in a fine.
    10. Requesting the transportation of corpses or animals (excluding certified guide dogs for the blind placed in dedicated cages, and animals that may cause harm or discomfort to transportation service providers or subsequent passengers). However, this excludes animals placed in designated cages and guide dogs certified by public institutions for the visually impaired.
    11. Releasing pets from cages after boarding the vehicle.
  2. Transportation service providers must provide members with safe services, and members must comply with instructions related to safe driving provided by transportation service providers. Additionally, members are prohibited from engaging in any acts that hinder safe driving, such as cursing, verbally abusing, or committing violence against transportation service providers.
  3. If a member leaves belongings inside the vehicle upon disembarkation, the company and transportation service provider must securely store them according to procedures. Members may visit the storage location to retrieve their belongings or request delivery by the transportation service provider. In this case, the transportation service provider may charge a fee for the transportation from their current location to the member's location, based on the Lost Goods Act.
  4. If a passenger, upon reaching the destination, refuses payment, refuses to disembark, or obstructs subsequent operations through evasion, the company may request assistance from the police station (police box). The company may then charge for the transportation fare and loss of business incurred until the time of assistance, and the member may face sanctions on service usage.
  5. For M-Class taxi services, spacious seats are provided to ensure members' comfortable transportation. However, even if there is space available inside the vehicle, only the transportation of passengers' carry-on and personal belongings is permitted in accordance with the Passenger Car Transportation Act. Additionally, boarding and loading may be impossible in the following cases:
  1. When there is an excessive amount or size of luggage that cannot fit in the trunk (luggage compartment).
  2. When carrying luggage could potentially damage seat cushions or floor carpets.
  3. When attempting to board with items that cannot be carried.
  4. When only luggage is transported without any passengers boarding.
  5. When there is a risk of breakage or when loading and transportation are deemed impossible.
  6. When transporting hazardous materials such as explosives, corrosive substances, or flammable materials.
  7. When carrying items that may interfere with the transportation of passengers due to impurities, odors, etc.
  8. When carrying items that may pose a safety hazard or damage the vehicle.

Article 20 (Notification to Members)

Article 20 (Notification to Members)

  1. When notifying members, the company may do so by posting on the service's mobile application or website, or through SMS, App Push, etc.
  2. In the case of notifications to unspecified multiple members, the company may utilize methods such as posting on the service bulletin board. However, for matters affecting members significantly, individual notifications will be made.

Article 21 (Obligations and Responsibilities to Account Management)

  1. Members must manage their accounts diligently. The company is not liable for any consequences arising from negligent account management or unauthorized use of accounts by members unless there is no fault attributable to the company.
  2. Members must not allow third parties to use their accounts. If members become aware that their accounts have been stolen or are being used by third parties, they must immediately notify the company and follow the company's instructions, if any.

Article 22 (Change and Protection of Personal Information)

  1. Members must immediately update any changes to the information provided at the time of application to ensure that it remains current. However, changes to information items specified by the company may only be made with the company's approval.
  2. Members are responsible for any damages incurred due to failure to update their information, and the company shall not be liable for such damages unless it is attributable to the company's fault.
  3. The company shall not use members' information for purposes other than providing services or provide it to third parties without the members' consent, except in the following cases:
    1. Providing minimal member information (such as name, contact information) necessary for transaction and settlement history to sellers to fulfill service-related contracts.
    2. Cases where laws allow the use of members' personal information and provision to third parties.
  4. The company endeavors to protect members' personal information, including registration information, in accordance with relevant laws. The handling and management of members' personal information are governed by applicable laws and the company's privacy policy.
  5. The company primarily handles the collection and management of personal information. However, if necessary, with the member's consent or after notification, the company may entrust some or all of the tasks related to the handling and management of collected personal information to another company selected by the company.

Article 23 (Termination of Contract and Restriction of Use)

  1. Members may terminate the service contract as follows:
    1. Members may terminate the service contract by notifying the company of their intention to terminate the contract at any time. However, before notifying the intention to terminate, all ongoing transactions of any paid services must be completed, withdrawn, or canceled, and the company shall not be liable for any transactions related to paid services unless there is attributable fault on the part of the company.
    2. The company shall not be liable for any matters arising from member withdrawal, unless there is attributable fault on the part of the company, and any additional benefits provided by the company to the member based on the service contract shall cease upon termination of the contract.
  2. If a member fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in Article 18, the company may terminate the service contract or suspend the service, specifying the reason for termination and notifying the intention to terminate. In this case, the company shall provide the member with an opportunity to raise objections for a reasonable period before termination. However, if prior notification is impossible due to reasons beyond the company's control, the company shall notify the member immediately after the reasons have ceased.
  3. Even after a member has entered into a service contract, the company may restrict the use of the service if there are qualifications limitations for the member.
  4. If a member has not used the service for three months after joining, the company may terminate the contract after asking the member's intention to use the service and notifying according to the specified period.
  5. Members may raise objections to the company's measures in accordance with the procedure established by the company in paragraphs 2 through 4.
  6. If the company acknowledges that the objection in paragraph 5 is valid, the company will immediately resume the service.

Article 24 (Prohibition of Transfer)

Members may not transfer, donate, or provide as collateral their right to use the service, or any other position under the usage contract to a third party.

Article 25 (Indemnification)

  1. If a member violates the provisions of these terms and conditions, causing damages to the company, the member who violated these terms and conditions shall compensate the company for the damages incurred.
  2. If the company receives claims for damages, lawsuits, or other objections from third parties other than the member due to illegal acts committed by the member or violations of the member's obligations under Article 18 of these terms and conditions, the member shall indemnify the company at their own expense and responsibility, and compensate the company for any damages incurred. However, the company shall not be exempt from liability if the damages were caused intentionally or negligently by the company.
  3. If a member incurs damages due to the intentional or negligent acts of the company, the company shall be responsible for such damages.

Article 26 (Service-Related Insurance)

Transport service providers offering transportation services to members through the i.M Agency Service are covered by delegated driving insurance, and they assume responsibility in accordance with the terms and conditions of the insurance. For damages not covered by the insurance, the parties to the transportation transaction bear direct responsibility to the member or third party. However, in the case of personal accidents, compensation is prioritized through the owner's liability insurance (third-party indemnity 1) according to relevant laws, and the delegated driving insurance only covers damages not compensated through the aforementioned liability insurance.

Article 27 (Exemption from Liability)

  1. The company shall be exempt from liability for providing services due to changes in related laws, force majeure, telecommunications operator line failures, or other similar unavoidable circumstances.
  2. The company shall not be liable for service interruptions caused by member's fault unless attributable to the company's fault.
  3. The company shall not be liable for damages resulting from members providing their personal information and account (ID, password, etc.) to others or from negligence in their management. However, the company shall be responsible for damages caused by its intentional or negligent acts.
  4. The company shall not be liable for the loss of expected profits or damages incurred through secondary data obtained through the service. However, the company shall be responsible for damages caused by its intentional or negligent acts. The company is not responsible for the reliability, accuracy, or content of information, data, or facts posted by members on the service.
  5. The company shall not be responsible for the reliability or accuracy of information, data, or facts entered by members in i.M. Also, the company shall not intervene in transactions or take any responsibility for transactions, etc., between members and third parties connected through links, banners, etc., on the i.M screen. However, the company shall be responsible for damages caused by its intentional or negligent acts.
  6. The company shall not intervene in disputes between members or between members and third parties arising through the service. The company shall not be liable for major criminal acts such as theft, assault, or sexual crimes unless there is fault on the part of the company.
  7. The company does not guarantee the reliability or accuracy of the content of the service or the information provided in relation to the service.


Article 28 (Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction)

  1. In the event of a dispute between the company and a member regarding the use of the service, both parties shall engage in sincere discussions to resolve the dispute.
  2. Any litigation between the company and a member shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Korea.
  3. The jurisdiction over litigation arising from disputes between the company and a member shall be determined in accordance with the Civil Procedure Act.

Supplementary Provisions

These terms and conditions shall be effective from December 20, 2023.

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